I want to share with you these 9 easy ways to get thicker and longer eyelashes naturally. Don’t you just long to have thicker and longer eyelashes without having to rely on mascara or falsies to do the job for you?
Well, I do! Sometimes, it’s just a pain to have to apply falsies every time I go out to parties. It takes too long to prep the false lashes, wait for the glue to become tacky, and then I have to be precise when it’s time to stick the falsies on my lash line. Don’t get me wrong.
I still love using false lashes. To be honest, I’m now addicted to them. But it would be really awesome if my real eyelashes were already gorgeous enough by themselves.
A lot of us go out during the day without any eye makeup on, so it would be wonderful to have long and thick eyelashes that make us look like we have mascara or false lashes on, right?
As we age, our lashes become thinner and more sparse. Our eyelashes also go through a death and rebirth cycle. It constantly falls out and then grows back.
Photo by: Paul Robinson from Freerange Stock
But because we’re often using mascara and other eye products, the cycle is disturbed resulting to less and less regrowth. Short, sparse and thin eyelashes make us look older, and who wants that?
How to Get Thicker and Longer Eyelashes Naturally?
Here are some home remedies that will help us get that “Wow lashes” we’ve all been dreaming of. Well, at least, for those of us who were not genetically born with it.
If you are one of the lucky ones who already have thick and long lashes ever since you were born to this world, then you might still find these useful to maintain your beautiful lashes.
Step by Step Guide
NOTE: Before doing any of these tips, remember to remove all eye makeup. A clean base always helps for any skincare or natural remedy to do its job.

Price at time of publish: $5.48 to $10 USD buy from Amazon.
Petroleum Jelly like the one from Vaseline (which is the most famous brand when it comes to petroleum jelly) helps moisturize the eyelashes and this results to healthier and thicker lashes. It can also be used for the eyebrows if you’ve got sparse brows too.
You can either apply it using a clean disposable mascara wand, lash comb or even with a Q-Tip or any cotton tip. Just be careful not to get any product in the eyes.
You only need to apply it along the lash line and spread a bit along the length of the lashes. This is best done after your skincare routine at night and remember to rinse it in the morning.
Olive Oil is said to lengthen the eyelashes as well. It’s also applied the same way that Petroleum Jelly is applied on the lashes.
With a clean mascara wand, lash comb or even with a Q-Tip or any cotton tip. Then leave it overnight and rinse in the morning.
Lemon peel, on the other hand, possesses natural cleansing properties. To optimize the effect of olive oil, you may want to infuse it with lemon peel.
You know those infused olive oils in the market where they use rosemary, garlic, or other herbs? Well, those are for our tummies. I love cooking pasta or any Italian food using these oils. Gosh, now I’m craving for pasta.
Anyways, this lemon-infused olive oil will be used for our eyelashes instead. You can take the lemon peel off 1 lemon. Then, let some of the moisture to dry out.
But don’t let it dry in the microwave oven. Just let it dry naturally, for a few hours. After that, you may put it inside your olive oil container.
Let the lemon peel’s essence and nutrients infuse in the oil for about a week. After 1 week, you can now use the lemon-infused olive oil much like how you use olive oil for your eyelashes.
Cold-Pressed Castor Oil is full of Omega 6 fatty acids, proteins and Vitamin E. For the eyelashes, don’t just use any castor oil.
Remember to buy a cold-pressed and cold-processed one, like this one from Amazon. It is a pure and natural emollient oil which softens and nourishes the skin and hair as well.
It’s absorbed easily and locks in nutrients. Did you know that even the ancient Egyptians used Castor Oil for hair growth? Aside from promoting hair growth, it can also be used to lengthen the lashes.
You can apply castor oil on your lashes by using either a clean mascara wand, lash comb or any cotton tip. Make sure not to get any product in your eyes.
If it does get in the eyes, immediately rinse with water. You only need to apply it along the lash line and spread a bit along the length of the lashes.
Do it after your skincare routine at night and leave it overnight while you sleep, then wash it off in the morning.
Sweet Almond Oil helps moisturize and nourish the hair, while Vitamin E Oil also moisturizes and strengthens the hair.
Both of these oils are beneficial to the eyelashes as they help nourish and moisturize the lashes. If the lashes are nourished and moisturized regularly, they grow fuller and thicker.
Basing from my own experience, I find that out of all the oils I mentioned, Cold-Pressed Castor Oil is the most effective. But it will be even more effective when mixed with these oils.
So here’s The Ultimate Eyelash Serum that you can mix yourself in the comfort of your own home.
In an empty mascara tube such as this, mix 1 part Cold-Pressed Castor Oil, 1 part Sweet Almond Oil (you can also use an alcohol-free Aloe Vera Gel) and 2 parts Vitamin E Oil.
Shake it gently to combine the oils. Apply it using the mascara wand every night in the same way I’ve mentioned above.
It will moisturize and nourish your eyelashes, therefore boosting its strength and growth. You’ll definitely see results with regular use.
I thought that these lash combs or brushes were meant to be used after applying mascara only, you know, to separate the lashes.
Well, here’s another task for them. Brushing or combing the eyelashes daily helps promote the growth of eyelashes as well.
It helps the natural oils to distribute among the lashes, and this helps in stimulating the growth of the eyelashes.
Now, there’s a good use to those oils which, more often than not, smudges our non-waterproof, non-oily-lids-proof eye makeup.
Just remember to brush the lashes gently and don’t overdo it because if you brush them harshly they might just fall out more.
Try to do it for 5 minutes each day and you’ll surely see results.
Fractionated Coconut Oil is wonderful in so many ways. It’s an all natural moisturizer that keeps the skin and hair healthy, radiant and beautiful.
It can also be applied to the eyelashes to help them grow fuller, longer and healthier. You can also apply it by using either a clean mascara wand, lash comb or any cotton tip.
Just be careful not to get any product in the eyes. You only need to apply it along the lash line and spread a bit along the length of the lashes.
Do it after your skincare routine at night and remember to wash it off in the morning.
Green Tea also enhances the growth of eyelashes. You can steep unsweetened green tea in hot water.
Remove the tea bag as instructed in the box of whichever green tea you’re using. Wait for the tea to cool down a bit.
Then, using a cotton tip, you can apply it on the lashes. Rinse after about 20 minutes with cold water.
Egg whites also has many uses for beauty. It can also be mixed with castor oil to be used for the lashes. Just mix 2 to 3 drops of Cold-Pressed Castor Oil and some egg whites.
Then apply it on the lashes the same way you would apply castor oil alone. Leave it overnight and remove in the morning.
This will help make your eyelashes stronger and prevent them from falling out.
We take vitamins like Biotin when we want our hair to grow faster. Because it helps promote healthier skin, hair and nails, it can also help in keeping the eyelashes healthy, and grow as well.
Additional Tips
If you have a habit of rubbing your eyes, then you’ve got to stop. This often results to eyelashes falling out. Also, don’t pull on your eyelashes.
When removing mascara or false lashes, do it very gently so as not to pull on the natural lashes. Always keep your eyelashes clean. Never sleep with eye makeup on.
If you can, refrain from using false eyelashes as these affect the natural lashes in a bad way. What’s more important to avoid? Those lash perms that are very popular nowadays.
They might look very beautiful on you for about a month or so, but if you keep having it done regularly, you will notice that your natural lashes will be even more sparse.
As with any beauty tips, remember to eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables should always be a part of your everyday diet.
You don’t have to rely on the expensive lash serums to help you achieve thicker and longer eyelashes. A lot of these products have bad side effects.
Trust me, I’ve been there! 🙁 I have used MD Lash Factor Eyelash Conditioner which I’ve bought from Amazon.
It costs more than $100, and it didn’t give me fuller and longer lashes, but what I got from it was darker lids!
So why resort to these expensive products when we’ve got cheaper and more natural alternatives?
Because our eyelashes also regrow much like our hair does, we’re only helping it grow in the way we want.
Healthier, Thicker and Longer. If we follow any of these tips, we’ll have thicker and longer eyelashes in about 2 to 3 months time. And eyebrows, too, if you also apply them to your eyebrows.
But even if you don’t get fuller and longer lashes because your eyelashes are just too stubborn or you already have great eyelashes to begin with, you’ll still get healthier and nourished eyelashes and protect them from further falling out.
Just remember that if any of these products get in your eyes, rinse the eyes immediately with water. Also, if you experience any discomfort or sensitivity with any product (not just with the products mentioned here), then you should discontinue use immediately.
Have you tried any of these tips before? Which one is it and how long did it take before you achieved thicker and longer eyelashes?